Software Fingerprint setup on KDE Plasma

Software related topic.


Active member
Jun 11, 2023
vietnam, Hanoi
  1. Bash
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  1. Gnome
well this would be nice if it actually worked ( worked like 20% ) i get finger print scanner working and setup fingerprints even using KDE user GUI, but then comes the issues it tells me on guides to edit /etc/pam.d/sddm and add 2 lines there, but issue is there is no files to edit and second part is to create kde file and add there again 2 difrent lines to enable logins but after i did all these and created both it locks me out no password accepted or fingerprint accepted well it still cant read fingerprint not on login, konsole etc. now i have to use snap before those edit since it just locking me out
Debugging is pretty tricky, but you can try...
touch /etc/pam_debug

Most distro's should support that.
oh that is pretty late since i have to start distro on before even touching fprint stuff if i go on that session i cant access anything since i cant get login screen to log me in
im starting to get way too good on rollback command on this one, but also got some more information
i was using fprint and default librarys that it installs, but my dell use Goodix readers so took me while to find that opensuse has Goodix drivers so i will need to experiment more since i read also that fprin dosent support goodix readers so there might be issues already and then maybe some KDE bonus issues
i think i have BUGGED on this one had to make bugzilla report since i cant find the files i need to enable and if i link or create files it will lock me out and then again snapper rollback

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