I am rahlskog


New member
Jun 11, 2023
  1. Bash
  1. KDE
Hello, I'm rahlskog. You may know me as moderator on the discord server, my nickname is derived from my first- and last-name. I have been in the world of Linux since early 2000s having my first main Linux-only period from 2003-2012 and then drifting back to Windows for games until last year when I again went full-time Linux.
I mostly do software development or hardware design. I started out in C++ but have worked in pretty much all classic languages over the years, the web still escapes me. My favorite area to work in is close to the hardware, especially if the product contains a physical component that one can interact with.
Since 2018 I own part of a small IT consulting company where we try to let developers do what they do best and shield them from management demands.

Yes, profile picture is one of my cats (have 4 of them)
Welcome Rahlskog.
Welcome Rahlskog!

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