Desktop Encrypted dual boot setup

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Active member
Jun 11, 2023
vietnam, Hanoi
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well here we are got so frustrated on Linux gaming side that went full blast on Fedora 38 with Full disk encryption, Secure boot, Trusted Boot, Encrypted Swap, Encrypted Memory etc as my Workstation so i use it only on work now and then i got Windows 11 Pro with all same encryption and security rules for Fun and Games and everything runs really nice and Smooth all is even installed on 1 Tb NVME so 2 OS all secured stuff enabled and 1 drive and it works had at start some Bitlocker issues when akmod/kmod nvidia build but after bitlocker trusted key set again on boot all are good againPXL_20230804_143024647.jpg PXL_20230804_154745457.jpg

bad photos will get real screenshots after some days tweaking settings and testing stuff.

Games on Linux Fedora usually when those works i get OK frames and performance same games on W11 Pro i get good performance and double Frames than Fedora had example full maxed Destin 2 Linux steam is 60 FPS same on Windows i get 120 FPS so im really happy on the Dual boot system now at this moment
Id be interested in seeing more stats once youve had all this up and running sometime, im still "hesitent" of making the full switch to linux due to various requirements of uni etc.
but im getting more and more convinced as long as i can get games working reliably... seems some have great results others not so much, though ofc it depends on the games..
also, what gpu do you have... i dont remember you ever mentioning it. im not sure what i think about bitlocker, i use full disk encryption for linux but i dont have a whole lot of trust when it comes to bitlocker... to many historical issues.
Id be interested in seeing more stats once youve had all this up and running sometime, im still "hesitent" of making the full switch to linux due to various requirements of uni etc.
but im getting more and more convinced as long as i can get games working reliably... seems some have great results others not so much, though ofc it depends on the games..
also, what gpu do you have... i dont remember you ever mentioning it. im not sure what i think about bitlocker, i use full disk encryption for linux but i dont have a whole lot of trust when it comes to bitlocker... to many historical issues.
well the setup have been little changed not much TBH

had to get second NVME drive and disable RAID ( intel RST ) running now on double NVME 1 TB drives one has still all secure settings than before on windows and second one has all same as before and it works so much better now. Issues i had was related on updates each Fedora update Broke Windows and i had to use BitLocker recovery keys and then it never updated Windows anymore, but all those are now fixed and Theros i run Optimus system Intel Tiger Lake UHD graphics as iGPU and Nvidia RTX 3050 TI on dGPU

been now 6 days on this system setup and not a single issue at this moment
Well since latest windows updates especially 22H2 and that related came in 8 of August I have been suffering Optimus Nvidia issues. It killed my Nvidia on games and rendering it never go on full power and if it goes it lasts 2 minutes and then drips to 8Watt power and 800Mhz clock and memory speeds. If I manage to get it running more than 2 minutes my laptop goes instant shutdown and I saw it don't even use NVRAM so experience is over going back to Linux full time and if I want to mess around will practice VM with passthrough settings
Finally managed to fix Windows gaming since I úe on my dualboot Windows only for games and entertainment. Had to use Nvidia experimental software and go to windows insider beta to get new versions that fixes Nvidia dGPU issues and power management issues. So now it is all ready and going nice. Only wish I had better bootloader/ boot screen just middle of screen fedora or windows now I see all recovery boot options too
Now I'm loving Windows experience it took some weeks to get all sorted and test and try, but it all works and Linux is solid too on dual boot. I see Windows is going immutable based systems now core is locked and everything containerized and apps using caintainers seems solid
For so long I have been fighting with kernel module Nvidia issues, hardware issues and so much more memory leaks, bad memory sub process and so much more I finally got windows 11 pro work as it should not using 20GB memory on boot and other issues. Was running dual boot with fedora not working kernel modules brake each app update and then had to recover windows encrypt keys to start windows. Tryied windows and leap well leap couldn't get updates all errors, went to tumbleweed it just couldn't install and had to go again full recovery using dell recovery software full wipe 5 times to get windows up and running perfectly and dual boot on Ubuntu works no issues I might have sorted everything now
Id be interested in seeing more stats once youve had all this up and running sometime, im still "hesitent" of making the full switch to linux due to various requirements of uni etc.
but im getting more and more convinced as long as i can get games working reliably... seems some have great results others not so much, though ofc it depends on the games..
also, what gpu do you have... i dont remember you ever mentioning it. im not sure what i think about bitlocker, i use full disk encryption for linux but i dont have a whole lot of trust when it comes to bitlocker... to many historical issues.
I am curious, what kind of uni requirement. I guess you told me before on but I don't really remember.
Now I'm loving Windows experience it took some weeks to get all sorted and test and try, but it all works and Linux is solid too on dual boot. I see Windows is going immutable based systems now core is locked and everything containerized and apps using caintainers seems solid
Do you think immutable core is the future? Because some distros have also started doing that.
Do you think immutable core is the future? Because some distros have also started doing that.
I see immutable is someway future I trued those and silver blue I loved, but on daily normal use it gets too much to tweak to get all done I see immutable more on corpo side all preinstalled/setup where security is main focus on systems and users. They are good, but I don't see it as daily normal use more on corporate usage I see it will go to
Oh and immutable core is actually really good I was speaking first full immutable, but after playing this dualBoot setup and testing alot windows 11 pro atleast have containers and core secured/locked like immutable core. This is good since it makes your system more reliable since you can't basically brake/affects the core and around core you can still use containers and apps not fully immutable experience only what needs to be.
I think my hardware and my self are cursed now my windows broke again. No Microsoft store, no updates and when I get updates it fails and then all my start files broken and half desktop is broken and forcing to sign out and running recovery fresh reset shows my 1Tab windows nvme is 99% full
And my luck goes even worst finally I got all working windows smooth and nice and Linux all good and then everything goes downhill bluescreen asking encryption key 🔐 Microsoft account bitlocker page is down can't get any keys there now I'm stuck again
Now I know the issues that broke everything and seems like this is my last dell with Nvidia.

Main issues was Intel RST drivers and dell software and updates. Took long time to run debugs and hardware tests and hardware is all good and finally switched to AHCI/NVME and downloaded windows 11 without dell stuff and everything works no broken stores, no broken apps, no broken updates everything works and Ubuntu on other nvme as dualBoot works well everything works atleast for now
Now I know the issues that broke everything and seems like this is my last dell with Nvidia.

Main issues was Intel RST drivers and dell software and updates. Took long time to run debugs and hardware tests and hardware is all good and finally switched to AHCI/NVME and downloaded windows 11 without dell stuff and everything works no broken stores, no broken apps, no broken updates everything works and Ubuntu on other nvme as dualBoot works well everything works atleast for now

Congrats on fixing it 🥳
Congrats on fixing it 🥳
Well I thought I fixed it, but after running Ubuntu I saw my dgpu was offline each time I run Ubuntu and then grub bootloader broke and it only booted to windows that was broken too and only could access Linux using one time boot option from windows so I'm done on Linux for now. I got windows only up and running even better than fedora 38 workstation and performance and memory usage are same or even better now.

If I need Linux I run hyoer-v or WSL but for now Linux days on bare metal are done


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